Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I just want to wish all of you a lovely holiday and a wonderful time together with your families.  Of all the things that Christmas means to me, the joy of family together is the most important to me.

My daughter and I have spent two days in the kitchen:  fudge, caramels, chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter-date balls, cinnamon rolls, pies.  And the memories of family members who have gone are with us strong.  Family is the one thing that sticks with us forever. What a blessing that God has given us.

I hope to visit with you all again in the near future (certainly not so long as this last interlude was).  Merry Christmas and God's Blessings to all of you.



  1. Merry Christmas to you too!! Sounds like you and your daughter were busy bees, how fun and such memories created! Enjoy!


  2. Hi sweetie hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the new year!!!
    Hugs xx Cara xx

  3. Happy New Year! My daughters and I made chocolate and vanilla covered pretzels as teacher gifts for Christmas. Those memories of working together in the kitchen are some we will treasure forever! I'm sure you and your daughter will treasure the memory of getting ready for Christmas too. I look forward to visiting your site in 2013!


Thank you for your comments, I appreciate hearing from you!